Microsoft Desktop Virtualization technologies Part 2 : APP-V, MED-V and RDS

Microsoft Desktop Virtualization technologies Part 2 : APP-V, MED-V and RDS

That's the second part of a free live speech delivered in Milan for Community Days 2012 16th february English dubber for this webcast is AnnaKristin. Please subscribe and/or like if you think the webcast is useful and well made. The slides are available on Slideshare Microsoft Desktop Virtualization technologies part 2 : the one with Med-V, App-V and Remote Desktop Services Good morning and welcome to this webcast about Microsoft Desktop Virtualization technologies : RDS, APP-V, MED-V, USV and VDI My name is AnnaKristin and I'll be the english dubber for this presentation made by Fabrizio Volpe, Microsoft MVP on Directory Services This second part will be about Med-V, App-V and Remote Desktop (Terminal) Services Med-V 2.0 is based on the Workspace Packager that converts a Windows XP Service Pack 3 image into a Workspace Package. From now on, when the user requires an application that can not work in a Windows 7 environment, the XP system is used in a transparent manner.

Source: Microsoft Desktop Virtualization technologies Part 2 : APP-V, MED-V and RDS (Youtube).