National Physician Services (NPS) uses VMware vCloud Air to cut down their RPO and RTO by 75 %

National Physician Services (NPS) uses VMware vCloud Air to cut down their RPO and RTO by 75 %

Headquartered in Hartford, CT, National Physician Services (NPS) is a National Healthcare service company that provides a wide array of services to physicians, hospitals and healthcare organizations. Since 2003, NPS has been providing "Best-of-Breed" technology solutions to support the workflow of practices, increase efficiencies, fulfill regulatory requirements, maximize revenue, and enhance patient care. Since the implementation of the VMware vCloud Air solution, NPS have been able to reduce their RPO and RTO by 75%. They choose vCloud Air Disaster Recovery because of its stability, security, performance and resiliency.

"Working with VMware, we've been able to expand beyond our normal geographical range and take on opportunities that are out of the borders of New England, to where we're seeing opportunities out of Chicago, Texas and all throughout the United States. A good example is, we were able to cut down our RPO and RTO by about 75% which ensures that, our physicians are getting that uptime that they need when they do incur some type of data center failure in our primary facility."
-Bryan Graven, CEO, National Physician Services (NPS)