Software-defined storage in action at Englewood Medical Center

Software-defined storage in action at Englewood Medical Center

DataCore Software Customer Testimonial: Englewood Medical Center

DataCore Software interviews Ron Fuschillo and Neville Lee of Englewood Medical Center about why they chose DataCore SANsymphony-V as their software-defined storage solution.

Full Transcript:

Ronald Fuschillo, CIO, Englewood Hospital and Medical Center

"There's three things that we do in IT at its core, and that is we move data, we secure it, and then of course, we store it. And it's that storage piece that's been very challenging and very costly. So for us, by leveraging DataCore and its technologies, we've seen a lot of benefit, and those are reduced down times, we've seen performance gains, and more importantly as our customers are pushing us to do more, and demanding more data storage, the team is able to respond in a very timely manner without breaking the bank, which I think is extremely important in today's competitive market. In the health care industry, the IT department is under a little bit more strain than your typical industry. We're 24×7, and at the end of the day, although products are important, we have patients to care for and there's a life at stake, so it does bring with it, a higher level of availability, expectation, and really zero tolerance for errors. And those are things we have to address in IT."

Neville Lee, Director of Infrastructure, Englewood Hospital and Medical Center

"We chose DataCore because in 2008 we had built a new data center and were in the process of migrating from one data center to the other. We were partially virtualized and we realized that our virtual environment was relatively easy to migrate with the exception of the storage.

We're experiencing a tremendous rate of data growth. In fact, we've grown tenfold in the past four years alone. The main systems that generate this much data for the hospital is our PACS system and our VNA system. Additionally, because Englewood hospital has taken a virtualized-first approach….All of our VM's are stored on the DataCore system. This includes our Active Directory, our Exchange, our People Soft system, and SQL servers.

When we brought DataCore in we were having problems with our Exchange system slowing down. We thought that adding a layer between the application and the SAN would actually slow the SAN down and the response time. We were surprised when we installed DataCore, we saw our exchange environment significantly quicker, our payroll system ran in half the time, and we saw our back up go from 8 hours to 3 hours.

DataCore has helped to expand the life of our current SAN. We were also able to reclaim a lot of storage that was over provisioned by using the thin provisioning technology. This has allowed us to buy different tiers of storage, while still providing the high quality of service to our end users. DataCore has allowed us to bring in new technologies because of their active-active environment. Because we are a 24×7 environment, when we upgraded our SAN, we did not have the option of bringing the system down. We were able to leverage DataCore to bring in the new SAN, migrate all of the data…without any downtime to any applications. We were also able to do this all within normal business hours."

Ronald Fuschillo, CIO, Englewood Hospital and Medical Center

"Our environment would look very different without DataCore, primarily around what we as an organization really could afford and spend. We looked at a lot of different technologies, and what we would have had to settle for is human intervention during disruptions, which, depending on when they happen, could be a lengthy time for our customers.

DataCore has been a partner of ours since 2009, and it's been a great relationship. We manage over 200 vendors here at Englewood Hospital and I can honestly say that they are in the top 5, and they've gotten there by listening to what we need, being there in times of trouble, when things go bump in the night, and also having an ear to what is necessary, what we would like to see happen in changing their product, and that's just been great to work with."

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