Powering up eBay OpenStack Cloud – Under the hood

Powering up EBay OpenStack Cloud – Under the hood. Summary: eBay Inc. has one of the largest deployments of Openstack clouds and has been at the forefront of deploying Openstack in several environments that include eBay MarketPlaces and PayPal production, development and QA environments. We address the problems and solution we developed in support…Full session… Continue reading Powering up eBay OpenStack Cloud – Under the hood

Network Virtualization Platform Reinvents Network Operations and Economics

Nicira, the network virtualization company, today publicly unveiled its Network Virtualization Platform (NVP). NVP is a software-based system that creates a distributed virtual network infrastructure in cloud data centers that is completely decoupled and independent from physical network hardware. With Nicira NVP, global market leaders such as AT&T, eBay, Fidelity Investments, NTT and Rackspace are… Continue reading Network Virtualization Platform Reinvents Network Operations and Economics